This weekend, a friend alerted me to a new zombie app for the iPhone and iPad platform. The app, Z-Day, is a sort of digital "choose your own adventure" with realistic scenarios and choices.
The good? This app is logical and is clearly made by lovers of the apocalyptic genre. I didn't feel like choices had unrealistic or random consequences as some choose your own adventure stories do. When I died, I felt that I probably deserved it. You also get to make almost every choice which gives you an added commitment to the game. You don't feel like a spectator; you feel like you are truly at the helm of the storytelling. Additionally, the visuals for this game are well stylized. It has a very comic book noir vibe to it. The game also provides you with a variety of different side characters, inventory items, and interesting weapon choices.

The bad? Well, first of all it isn't free and I'm always skeptical of paid apps on the iPhone. This one is $1.99, which isn't bad, but it's also not a whole lot of game play for your dime. There is really only one main route for the storyline. Your decisions can either get you killed or take you on small detours, but for the most part this doesn't hold up to hours of replaying. I'd say this is an hour of entertainment at best. The story is also short, so you could probably play from beginning to a successful end in fifteen minutes. Also, and this is just the nerd in me, but they misspell "apocalypse" on the title screen. Uncool, guys.
Overall, I think this is a good buy if you're having a particularly boring lunch break, train ride, or blind date. It'll keep you pretty darned engaged even if that only lasts for a limited amount of time. However, if you are looking for a more fulfilling choose your own experience, pay the extra dozen bucks for Max Brailler's
Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? ($13.98 on Check out the review for that novel