News hit the web today about California's new "zombie driver" campaign. This new ad campaign will feature zombies behind the wheels of cars, engaging in some of the distracted behaviors we've all been guilty of. For example, California will be regarding texters, eaters, talkers and groomers as "zombie" drivers. I'm not saying there's not an ounce of truth in what they're saying, and I'm not saying that their ultimate goal isn't a good one. I'll also acknowledge that clearly it's an effective marketing campaign since I'm obviously one of many people blogging about it.
But...leave my zombies alone! Zombies don't text. They don't drive. They don't party with their friends to loud club music at stop lights. They eat brains. That's it; that's all. Pop culture should never have gotten their hands on the whole zombie thing; they don't understand it at all. They want to make zombies into characters, but they aren't people anymore. Even in zomcoms, it usually isn't the zombies that provide the comedy; it's the actual characters. Why? Because zombies aren't funny. Nor are they sad, loving, regretful, disrespectful, or foolhardy. They're reanimated corpses. In fact, I even think Romero goes a little bit too far with Bub and his trademark salute. But, hey. I'm a purist.
So my plea to California tonight is...WHY?! Leave my flesh eating ghouls out of your good Samaritan antics!
Maybe I just feel guilty that my iPhone has turned me into a zombie behind the wheel one too many times. Anyway, here are the videos. Weigh in on the issue. Do you like them or no?
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