World War Z, the long-awaited film version of the totally awesome Max Brooks novel, was slated to be the greatest Christmas present in history this year. I was expecting to be one of those obnoxious people at the movie theater on Christmas day. I worked in movie theaters for eight years, and I promised myself I'd never be one of those people, but this movie promises to be the mother of all modern zombification and certainly worthy of a little promise-breaking.

But news out recently suggests that we're going to have to hold our horses for a while longer...too much longer in my opinion. The new release date announced is June of 2013. One website reported June 21st while another website reported June 13th as the new release date. Regardless of which is correct, this pushes the flick back 6 more months and does not make me happy whatsoever. When I look at it objectively, I still kind of think the move was poorly conceived. Let's be honest, the biggest zombie market right now is
Walking Dead fans. If you want to appeal to those people, advertising and then releasing
during the third season would be wise. Still, maybe zombies aren't really a "holiday" thing, and since Paramount has done little in the way of advertising this film, bumping it back will give them more time to promote.
I'm a little nervous about this flick in general. It seems like an awkward format for the novel; I always thought it would make a better television show than a movie. For those who have not read the book (aka: fools), the story is written as a series of interviews. There is no central conflict (aside from the apocalypse), and there really isn't one central character. Sure, the "interviewer" is there as a unifying thread, but he really isn't a voice in the least not in the book.
In the movie, however, Brad Pitt plays a character named Gerry Lane. I'm pretty sure that name doesn't even exist in the book. IMDB describes the plot of the film in the following way: "A U.N. employee is racing against time and fate, as he travels the world trying to stop the outbreak of a deadly Zombie pandemic." Yeah...that's not the all. Still, I'm down for anything with high production value and a zombie stamp of approval. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see...but for even longer than I previously thought.
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