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http://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2015/03/ |
Possibility #1: The Wolves are the Whisperers
In the comic, there is a group of survivors who walk the world among the dead wearing the zombie skins as protection and blending in among the walkers. They could be the ones carving the "W" symbol into the dead and could be lurking around unseen, just waiting to make an appearance.
Why this idea makes sense:
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http://i.imgur.com/tDP9igV.png |
- Whatever the threat is, it seems to be pretty hidden and has gone unnoticed by both the Alexandria community and by the members of Shirewilt (before they were killed). The Whisperers would be easily overlooked since they blend in with the dead that no one thinks to examine any closer.
- Kirkman is notorious for screwing with the audience. No one would be expecting for him to shuffle the deck of upcoming "big bads", so to jump right to a plotline that is still unfolding in the comics would be a great way to keep comic readers on their toes.
- Enid fits this storyline perfectly. In the comics, Carl falls for a
young member of the Whisperers who has seemingly defected. We don't know
much about Enid's past, but what we do know makes perfect sense with
the concept of her being a Whisperer. First, she didn't talk for a month
when she first came to the society, a trait that matches up well with
the entire philosophy of the Whisperers. Second, her romantic storyline
with Carl seems to be following the same line. Furthermore, we have yet
to see her kill a zombie, which might indicate that she doesn't view
them in the same way that the other survivors do. This is further
strengthened by her comment of "It's their world: we're just living in
it", which is a very Whisperer-y thing to say. Also, Enid is very good
at moving through the landscape undetected, which matches with someone
who had lived among the dead for a prolonged period of time. Lastly, she
seems pretty terse when mentioning her mother (or her entire back
story, really). She doesn't say that her mom is dead, so could her
mother be the mysterious Alpha of the Whisperers that made an appearance
in the last issue of the comic?
http://www.craveonline.com/tv/reviews/838201-the-walking-dead-5-15-try-recap - The Whisperers have a legitimate reason to mark Walkers. Since they seem to move within them, marking them to keep their group together and tag the hoards they are moving within would at least make some logistical sense. It's probably the only explanation that matches with any real purpose other than intimidation and brutality. The same goes for collecting torsos. Since the Whisperers wear zombie skin, they would have a reason to collect flesh from the torso and face since it would be the most easily applied to their own flesh for the purposes of concealment.
- If they go the way of Enid being a Whisperer, they could easily replicate the "prisoner trade" that happens in the comics by capturing Daryl, Aaron, or even Morgan, who are all outside of the walls.
- The name "Wolves" makes sense with the Whisperers if you think about the phrase "A wolf in sheep's clothing".
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http://k32.kn3.net/taringa/C/4/3/D/B/D/terrynova/528.png |
- This storyline isn't finished in the comics and jumping ahead of the comics could get very muddled and confusing for Kirkman.
- A prisoner swap between Morgan and Enid would not be as obvious a decision as it is in the comics because Enid has been in Alexandria for a longer period of time, and no one in Alexandria besides Michonne and Rick even know whom Morgan is.
- This storyline might be too time consuming. They may need something brief to kill time until they get to Negan, and the Whisperers aren't that. In order to do the Whisperer storyline justice, they would have to delay Negan's appearance for at least a season, and while they've made it clear that that's certainly a possibility, I doubt they will given that it's one of the most dynamic plots of the comic and people are already salivating awaiting it.
- It looked like the citizens of Shirewilt were attacked by humans. While the Whisperers are "technically" human, they don't necessarily fight or attack like them.
- This plot line doesn't do enough to give Rick a hero moment. Without that hero moment, Deanna has no reason to not boot him out on his ass.
Possbility #2: The DC Scavengers are the Wolves
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http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Scavengers |
It's been awhile since I read this part of the comics, but before Negan arrives, a group of savage scavengers attack and almost destroy Alexandria, resulting in multiple deaths and the loss of Carl's right eye. Could they be the Wolves, out to destroy and overrun?
Why it makes sense...
- The way in which Shirewilt was attacked seems very much like the way the Scavengers attack and destroy Alexandria in the comics, and clearly that attack was undertaken by these "wolves".
- Their timeline matches up with where we are in the comics. If Kirkman follows his original narrative, it's their time to appear in the small space before Negan's men start causing havoc.
- Their brutality makes sense with some of the actions that we've seen, namely the tied up naked woman in the woods. They seem like the kind of guys who might hack up other survivors, overrun a town, tie up and abandon a woman.
- Marking the walkers could be an intimidation tactic, and they're the kind of guys who would think of something like that.
- Sasha being in the tower is a great setup for this since she's quickly becoming Andrea from the comic, and Andrea in the tower was a part of the Scavenger plot line. (If I'm remembering properly)
- Protecting Alexandria from the Scavengers would save Rick from the inevitable exile that awaits him after his little blood-splattered monologue this week.
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http://www.twdenthusiasts.com/2015/02/walking-dead-comic-spoilers-wolves/ |
- Why would they take the torsos and heads? It seems like a silly thing to be carrying around and to my recollection the Scavengers didn't have a very developed base camp. Furthermore, there's just no motivation to do it. Dismembering is congruent with simple brutality and a desire to intimidate those who might happen upon a scene afterwards, but if that's the goal, then what's the point in taking the torsos?
- This is what people are expecting, and Kirkman likes to keep people on their toes.
- They may be too similar to Gareth's group in the idea of them just being messed up, selfish, vengeful humans. The show's producers might want a little more variety.
Possibility #3: It isn't a "W"...it's an upside down "M".
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http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Morgan_Jones_%28TV_Series%29 |
My least favorite theory and by far the most implausible, but worth a brief mention, is that the "W" is actually an "M" for Morgan. Is Morgan really as crazy as he seems at times, running around the woods and marking up walkers? He certainly seems to have a predilection for getting fixated on one phrase or symbol (aka: Clear), but is that really possible for one man to pull off?
Why it makes sense:
- We have ample evidence to support that Morgan is unwell, and a lot of the signs we have about this group seem to indicate that they're not exactly winning the mental health of the year award.
- What if he still has Duane? Okay, this is far fetched, but hear me out. In the comics, Morgan keeps Duane alive as a zombie and feeds him the remains of survivors that he captures and kills. What if Morgan is still dragging Duane along with him? That would support why the girl was tied up and devoured in the woods--food for his undead son. This would also be (sort of) a reason to dismember corpses so that their flesh is easier to feed to Duane and to carry along with Morgan for later feedings. Also, we have very few wide shots of Morgan, so Duane being on a rope behind him is not entirely impossible.
http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Duane_Jones_%28Comic_Series%29 - It would honestly be easier to carve a letter upside down on a head if the body was on the ground, rather than having to lean over the torso and dangerous jaw of the ghoul to tattoo it with your symbol.
- Morgan has to make an appearance somehow.
- Unless Morgan found a last minute flight from Alexandria to Richmond, there's no way he could've beat the group across four states since they were driving and he was walking. They haven't been in Alexandria long enough for him to catch up, let alone catch up and already make his presence this known.
- He just has no reason to.
- The damage inflicted by the Wolves is too great for one man.
- We want to like Morgan...and we don't like these people.
- He may already be dead and a victim of the Wolves. Some have observed that the dismembered arms at the campsite that Daryl and Aaron found are wearing the same color shirt as Morgan, the hands belong to a black man, the wedding band is the same, and a pair of sunglasses are nearby. Personally, I think this is typical Kirkman misdirection, but hey...it's possible.